JavaScript/DHTML direct access to Google API
I have created an example DHTML page that accesses the Google API directly through JavaScript (for IE only, I'm afraid). The effect is
to display a table of Web page thumbnails as the results of the query, instead of listing the URLs/titles/snippets as the Google user
interface does. (The returned search URLs are used to set the "src"
attributes of a table of 'zoom'ed IFRAMEs.)
[google.public.web-apis] #
I have created an example DHTML page that accesses the Google API directly through JavaScript (for IE only, I'm afraid). The effect is
to display a table of Web page thumbnails as the results of the query, instead of listing the URLs/titles/snippets as the Google user
interface does. (The returned search URLs are used to set the "src"
attributes of a table of 'zoom'ed IFRAMEs.)
[google.public.web-apis] #
Une categorie pour les weblogs francophones dans l'Open Directory !
J'ai soumis ma candidature comme éditeur...
[Via JY's weblog] #
J'ai soumis ma candidature comme éditeur...
[Via JY's weblog] #
C'est au tour de la Presse de publier son article sur les blogues (un must semble-t-il pour tout bon journaliste branché). On n'y apprend rien de nouveau (qui n'a pas été écrit ailleurs dans la presse francophone j'entends). Emmanuelle et Jean-Hugues sont cités mais ensuite on tombe rapidement dans l'anglophone... conclusion avec une citation de Jean-Pierre et quelques adresses de blogues dont Darnziak et Painted Lady que je ne connaissais pas. #
Bon, semble-t-il qu'en plus de développement web je suis aussi pas mal bien classé pour communication technologie... As a side note (in english to get it out to more webloggers) when you paste an hyperlink to query Google from a link modify the query like this: where sourceid=weblog and q=whatever... just to see if this will have an effect one day, somewhere.
Spread the meme! # where sourceid=weblog and q=whatever... just to see if this will have an effect one day, somewhere.
Spread the meme! #
Sometimes Opera does not behave, and because of that, John at has cooked up a hack to hide CSS style rules from Opera.
[Via scraped by Sjoerd] #
[Via scraped by Sjoerd] #
OPML with related pages
... wanted to try the new Google API. And reading that Dave Winer is having fun using his Google Outline Browser, I thought I'd try that too in my OPMLLoader. It's a bit different from Dave's version. You can expand any link to a page and see the related pages. Dave's right, it's really fun!
[Via Sjoerd Visscher's weblog -] #
... wanted to try the new Google API. And reading that Dave Winer is having fun using his Google Outline Browser, I thought I'd try that too in my OPMLLoader. It's a bit different from Dave's version. You can expand any link to a page and see the related pages. Dave's right, it's really fun!
[Via Sjoerd Visscher's weblog -] #
DCSSI et Crypto
En France, les moyens et prestations de cryptologie sont soumis à un contrôle gouvernemental. La DCSSI propose les démarches nécessaires mais les arcanes des procédures administratives ont jusqu'alors empêché les auteurs de Logiciel Libre d'accomplir avec le processus avec succès. Le guide dont la FSFE France entame la rédaction cherche à résoudre ce problème. Ce problème n'existe pas au Canada (si je me trompe faites moi le savoir!) mais c'est un dossier chaud, à suivre...
[Via Nouvelles FSFE France] #
En France, les moyens et prestations de cryptologie sont soumis à un contrôle gouvernemental. La DCSSI propose les démarches nécessaires mais les arcanes des procédures administratives ont jusqu'alors empêché les auteurs de Logiciel Libre d'accomplir avec le processus avec succès. Le guide dont la FSFE France entame la rédaction cherche à résoudre ce problème. Ce problème n'existe pas au Canada (si je me trompe faites moi le savoir!) mais c'est un dossier chaud, à suivre...
[Via Nouvelles FSFE France] #
Committee Specification Level Documents for the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
The OASIS XML-Based Security Services Technical Committee (SSTC) has released several Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) documents which have reached 'Committee Specification' maturity level. The OASIS TC has been chartered to define an XML framework for exchanging authentication and authorization information. Five separate prose documents and two XML Schemas are included.
[Via The XML Cover Pages] #
The OASIS XML-Based Security Services Technical Committee (SSTC) has released several Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) documents which have reached 'Committee Specification' maturity level. The OASIS TC has been chartered to define an XML framework for exchanging authentication and authorization information. Five separate prose documents and two XML Schemas are included.
[Via The XML Cover Pages] #
Auto-linkbacks are more about exploration and manufacturing serendipity. Must explore this further. Et si j'installais cette fonction aussi, sur ce post, est-ce que cela pourrait créer une récursivité infinie entre mon blog et celui de Mark? Anyway, c'est une fonctionnalité très désirable pour créer et entretenir les méta-conversations, beaucoup mieux que les commentaires...
[Via diveintomark] #
Auto-linkbacks are more about exploration and manufacturing serendipity. Must explore this further. Et si j'installais cette fonction aussi, sur ce post, est-ce que cela pourrait créer une récursivité infinie entre mon blog et celui de Mark? Anyway, c'est une fonctionnalité très désirable pour créer et entretenir les méta-conversations, beaucoup mieux que les commentaires...
[Via diveintomark] #
La francophonie battue en brèche
Il en est désormais de la francophonie comme des femmes ou des grands-mères : elle a sa journée. Ce qui laisserait craindre que le reste de l'année, on l'oublie. Le tableau n'est pas aussi noir, puisque la francophonie est comme la prose de monsieur Jourdain – on en fait sans s'en apercevoir – mais il n'est pas rose pour autant, même si « la » journée internationale de la francophonie coïncide avec l'arrivée du printemps.
[Article sur Le Figaro via Vincent's Glossblog] #
Il en est désormais de la francophonie comme des femmes ou des grands-mères : elle a sa journée. Ce qui laisserait craindre que le reste de l'année, on l'oublie. Le tableau n'est pas aussi noir, puisque la francophonie est comme la prose de monsieur Jourdain – on en fait sans s'en apercevoir – mais il n'est pas rose pour autant, même si « la » journée internationale de la francophonie coïncide avec l'arrivée du printemps.
[Article sur Le Figaro via Vincent's Glossblog] #
Linux WiFi Router brings in Subscribers for Ghana's Largest ISP
Intercom Data Networks, of Ghana, can't keep up with orders for a Linux wireless router designed and built in-house. Here's how Geekcorps and IDN are using Linux to make Ghana the Internet hub of West Africa.
[Via Linux Journal] #
Intercom Data Networks, of Ghana, can't keep up with orders for a Linux wireless router designed and built in-house. Here's how Geekcorps and IDN are using Linux to make Ghana the Internet hub of West Africa.
[Via Linux Journal] #
Calling Web Services from Flash
There has been a lot of discussion within the Flash Community concerning calling web services from Macromedia Flash. This seems to have been prompted by google making available a web service for their search engine.
[Via mesh on MX] #
There has been a lot of discussion within the Flash Community concerning calling web services from Macromedia Flash. This seems to have been prompted by google making available a web service for their search engine.
[Via mesh on MX] #
From now this weblog will be focussing on Groove related info. Also added a list of Grooved companies, this companies participate in the upcoming Groove Rotterdam Conference. More info on this conference will be published on this weblog soon...
[Visit the cool new Groove News weblog] #
[Visit the cool new Groove News weblog] #
The Real Cost of XML Tags
Nice article from Sean McGrath about schema complexity. McGrath comments that: "An unfortunate schism exists in XML software development between the team that develops the schema and the team processing the XML that conforms to the schema. Too often, these are not the same teams." This isn't just true for XML schema. The same applies to database schema design as well, as I've recently found out.
[Via Eclectic] #
Nice article from Sean McGrath about schema complexity. McGrath comments that: "An unfortunate schism exists in XML software development between the team that develops the schema and the team processing the XML that conforms to the schema. Too often, these are not the same teams." This isn't just true for XML schema. The same applies to database schema design as well, as I've recently found out.
[Via Eclectic] #
Keeping Spambots Out: A New Anti-Spam System
Day by day, millions of spam mails get dropped in our mailboxes - numbers steadily rising. There exist several techniques against spam, some of them have turned out to be quite successful. But in this article I will outline an anti-spam system which could be easier to use and more effective than the existing ones. [Via] #
Day by day, millions of spam mails get dropped in our mailboxes - numbers steadily rising. There exist several techniques against spam, some of them have turned out to be quite successful. But in this article I will outline an anti-spam system which could be easier to use and more effective than the existing ones. [Via] #