OK, so yesterday's instructions for seeing the rootUpdates is a little too long, I've been told, because Radio now DOES come with the outline in it, and the correct address set. Serves me right for not checking a virgin install... So you can just do this:
1) Press cntl+; [that is the semi-colon] (mac users use cmd+; and menu lovers look in Tools>Developers>Quick Script...) The Quick Script window opens, with a large space for typing in.
2) In that large space, type user.rootUpdates.prefs.flShowUpdatesToUser=true 3) Click the Run button in the Quick Script window. The next time you get an updated part in Radio, it will cause an outline to open, which lists the day's date and timestamp and the newly updated parts. As you get new updates, they will be added above the old entries.
*sniff* *sniff* Smells like another mindbomb heading this way...
Updated Radio.root on 2/2/02; 7:56:45 PM system.verbs.builtins.radio.thread.agents.watchMacros Changed 2/2/2002; 1:21:03 PM (#0219): Manage the (new) Web Services folder. Tutorial coming soon.