Phil Ackley's Radio Thingumabob

daily link  Tuesday, February 12, 2002

A picture named falling_cow.jpgCow falls on man: "They told me that a cow fell on top of my husband," she said. "I thought they were kidding me. May God protect us from a worse accident."

Sahin was treated in the hospital for a broken leg and needed seven stitches to his forehead after the freak accident Tuesday in the central Anatolian city of Nevsehir.

The cow was not seriously injured. "  11:27:48 PM  permalink   Add a comment   

My birdherder is all brushed, and washed, and ready to go to the groomer tommorow morning. She's sort of like a diswasher, my groomer. I have to clean the dog up, and brush her just so I can take her in to be bathed and brushed.  11:16:21 PM  permalink   Add a comment   

I'd never thought of this before buy Jer is definitely onto something. I want to live in a watertower, too!

Drop Water TowerClassic Tower For decades now I have been annoying friends and family with the fantasy of converting an old water tower into a house. Growing up in Nebraska you can't help but notice these horizon popping landmarks. Think of the possibilities: indoor pool (lower level), walk around porch, outdoor barbeque, moon roof or small observatory, elevator, fire pole for quick escape, and the most commanding view around.  I'm not alone, here's a converted tower in California...a little short for my taste but what a feature list!

[the Jer zone]
  10:09:59 PM  permalink   Add a comment   

New Zealand News - NZ - Hefty bill with added insult shocks Telecom customer

Telecom could not explain how such a "penalty" could have been printed on the account. A reference number which preceded the $337.50 amount did not mean anything.

"As far as we were concerned, it couldn't happen," he said.   5:49:23 PM  permalink   Add a comment   

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Updated: 11/20/02; 7:05:31 PM.