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  Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Most Famous Christian?

The Revealer teases us with the identity of a Christian who had more fame than any other Christian in the 2oth Century. Who is the most famous Christian of the 20th Century? Check out this SoMA Review article for the answer.

(Via The Wildhunt Weblog.)

3:28:39 PM    comment []

Interview with John Crowley, underappreciated in wider literary circles, but producer of a string of wonderful novels. I have the new one ready to read as soon as I can get through this interminable Harry Potter business.

2:00:12 PM    comment []

Does anybody remember why it is that Bush went to Crawford for four weeks? Scott McClellan brushed off detractors with this folksy argument:

Spending time outside of Washington always gives the president a fresh perspective of what's on the minds of the American people. It's a time, really, for him to shed the coat and tie and meet with folks out in the heartland and hear what's on their minds.
Hey, that's funny, there's someone just outside the ranch who'd love see him!
The mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq led a protest march on President Bush's ranch here on Saturday, prompting the White House to send two senior officials to meet her after she was blocked by the authorities from approaching Mr. Bush's home.
Okay, really, we understand Sheehan's pulling something of a publicity stunt. At least her hand-picked audience doesn't already agree with her unlike some presidents we know.

Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record [WP]
Mother Takes Protest to Bush's Ranch [NYT]
Hand-picked crowds for Social Security show [AP]

(Via Wonkette.)

1:05:17 PM    comment []

A psychologist tries to explain the stories of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.

(Via The New York Times > Books.)

I know it'll come as a big surprise to those wonders John Mack, Budd Hopkins, and Whitley Streiber, but, no, the explanation has nothing to do with aliens. the real explanation is far more interesting.

12:52:21 PM    comment []

Why are we spending so much time and money to stop people from taking drugs that are less addictive and harmful than alcohol?

(Via The New York Times > Most E-mailed Articles.)

12:35:34 PM    comment []

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