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I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.


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  Thursday, August 11, 2005

This Dobson guy is one sick, twisted puppy. Think your son is becoming gay? Many blopgs have linked to the 5 warning signs:

  1. Repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex.
  2. In boys, preference for cross-dressing, or simulating female attire. In girls, insistence on wearing only stereotypical masculine clothing.
  3. Strong and persistent preference for cross-sexual roles in make-believe play, or persistent fantasies of being the other sex.
  4. Intense desire to participate in stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex.
  5. Strong preference for playmates of the other sex.

Want to fix him?

[T]he boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.

11:14:06 AM    comment []

(Via Thoughts from Kansas.)

8:51:26 AM    comment []

My colleagues at Media Matters have just published an excellent piece detailing how the right’s smears of Cindy Sheehan worked their way up the pipeline of the echo chamber and came to become the accepted truth. Read it.

Cindy Sheehan, mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, has drawn significant media attention for staging an anti-war protest outside President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, where she is demanding to meet with the president. On August 8, Internet gossip Matt Drudge posted an item on his website, the Drudge Report, in which he falsely claimed that Sheehan “dramatically changed her account” of a meeting she had with Bush in June 2004; Drudge attempted to back up his false assertion by reproducing Sheehan quotes from a 2004 newspaper article without providing their context. After the story appeared on the Drudge Report, it gained momentum among conservative weblogs and eventually reached Fox News, where it was presented as hard news and in commentaries. Media Matters for America will examine how one false story on an Internet gossip site ended up the focus of prime-time cable news coverage.

(Via Oliver Willis - Like Kryptonite To Stupid.)

8:48:09 AM    comment []

It looks like Pastor Bill O'Reilly's sermon on the sins of Cindy Sheehan was a big hit. Using Republican Jesus 29, "No Greater Love," as his text, he preached that it does not matter if a soldier dies for nothing more than to further Our Leader's political goals. The death itself is enough--it is a sacrifice that should be celebrated rather than mourned.

Republican Jesus Archive.

(Via Jesus' General.)

8:46:23 AM    comment []

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