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I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.


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  Friday, August 26, 2005

From the Smoking Gun:

AUGUST 17—When Ronald and Jill Losoya sent their 11-year-old son to Michigan’s Camp Michawana, they expected the boy’s summer stay would be a “positive, Christian-based experience.” In fact, the camp itself notes that “Christ is first” and that it operates as “an arm of the local church in which a Bible-centered programŠis used to develop camper spirituality.” However, according to the below federal lawsuit, things didn’t work out that way for young Ezekiel Losoya. Instead, the boy’s parents allege in their August 8 complaint, he was subjected to an assortment of “inhumane, degrading, and criminal conduct” during a one-week stay in the summer of 2003. Among 19 separate indignities cited in the Losoyas’s complaint, Ezekiel had to endure wedgies, was “kicked in the privates,” had his camera smashed, got dunked headfirst in a toilet, and was tied to a tether ball pole. The lawsuit, which does not specify monetary damages beyond $75,000, contends that Ezekiel was tormented by fellow campers and Michawana counselors. As a result of the camp’s negligence, the Losoyas charge, Ezekiel has suffered hurt feelings, mental anguish, and “disruption of his faith in Christ and loss of his camera.”

Well, gee. If I got kicked in the nuts by Christians, I think that would make me a tad skeptical of their beliefs.

Or would that just make me an Islamic prisoner at Gitmo?

(Via Suburban Guerrilla.)

11:47:36 AM    comment []

(Via The Liberal Reality-Based Avenger.)

9:07:00 AM    comment []

Nigeria's next big product may be something it has been burning off for years: natural gas. But in the rush to build a natural gas infrastructure, Nigeria's well-earned reputation for corruption may have touched some American companies.

(Via NPR Programs: Morning Edition.)

9:05:24 AM    comment []

In the bustling world of online poker, anyone can win. Especially with an autoplaying robot ace in the hole. Are you in, human? By David Kushner of Wired magazine.

(Via Wired News.)

9:02:23 AM    comment []

Dang, but The Aristocrats is one funny movie. Foul, filthy, offensive, crude, shocking, but very, very funny. It sags just a bit a couple times, but the highlights -- and there are many -- more than make up for the slow spots. And the slow spots aren't so slow, come to think of it. I don't remember when I've laughed that hard at a movie. And seeing it in a theatre, even one that was somewhat sparsely populated made it all the better; it was funny hearing people in different parts of the theatre laughing at different parts of the movie. Very highly recommended, if you have a strong stomach.

9:00:51 AM    comment []

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