Thursday, April 18, 2002
Sometimes it seems like Rusia is more free than America these days. Or at least, more free than the People's Republic of California. Consider this advertisement in a Russian magazine for an AR-15. It is now illegal to sell this rifle in California.
3:28:46 PM
Oriana Fallaci's article on today's anti-semitism. Here's the full translation of Oriana Fallaci's article, originally published in Corriere della Sera. (via InstaPundit)... [The news, Uncensored.]
I find it shameful and see in all this the rise of a new fascism, a new nazism. A fascism, a nazism, that much more grim and revolting because it is conducted and nourished by those who hypocritically pose as do-gooders, progressives, communists, pacifists, Catholics or rather Christians, and who have the gall to label a warmonger anyone like me who screams the truth.
An article by an Italian commentator titled On Jew-hatred in Europe, translated into English. I hope that there are more people like her in Europe.
1:45:04 PM
The Big Lie. Here's a great article from an American Lebanese Journalist regarding the Palestinian claim for their own state. "Palestinians claim that... [The news, Uncensored.]
A very good article, but there's an error on the link to it. The link says it's in the LA Times, but actually it's on WorldNetDaily.
1:25:01 PM
Can the Second Amendment and Social Security Coexist?. Aaron Zelman and Claire Wolfe at JPFO -
Can the Second Amendment and Social Security Coexist? - social
security is a Ponzi scheme. There is no question that it will fail,
it's only a matter of time, and not likely very much time. Zelman and
Wolfe claim that this will be the final straw that causes open
rebellion, and this is why the socialists in government are doing
everything they can to take away our guns. I'm not sure of the close
connection here, but both are happenning. [jpfo] [End the War on Freedom]
Personally I think that a connection between victim disarmament and Social Security is really far-fetched, but aside from that this article does a nice job of presenting some of the possible consequences of Social Security's impending collapse.
11:45:13 AM
Seven tax havens come under fire. The OECD club of rich nations names and shames territories in Europe,
the Pacific region and Africa as uncooperative tax havens. [BBC News: world]
In this story the BBC has a noticeable bias, which is to be expected for a state-owned news service in a Socialist country. However, they do thoughtfully provide a list of the countries, so that people more interested in freedom and privacy will know where to look for banking services.
10:56:50 AM
Putin Calls for Cutting of Red Tape. President Vladimir Putin on Thursday said Russians would have "to fight for our place in the economic sun" and called for cuts in the corruption-marred bureaucracy to speed economic growth and improve Russia's competitiveness in world markets. [AP World News]
Putin chided cabinet ministers for being too conservative in economics and said it must encourage growth by removing excessive regulations that feed corruption and block private initiative.
"Reform should make the state machinery efficient, compact and workable," Putin said, urging an end to the practice of "hundreds of thousands" of inspectors regulating business.
I wonder if he means it? Republican politicians in the US talk like this all the time, but when it comes time to vote they always vote for more regulation, more corruption, and more obstacles to private initiatives.
10:27:22 AM
Edd Dumbill: "The frenzy over Google's new SOAP API is just plain silly." [Scripting News]
His reason for saying so includes the words, "Grab your local Linux/BSD box of preference." And if you haven't got a Linux/BSD box?
10:17:22 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/14/2006; 6:49:41 PM.
