Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Alwin plots the reason that why a stay in a hospital in 2020 + will be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short (to quote Hobbes).  Here's the reason:  hospitals aren't compelled to pay competitive salaries to nurses yet.  They would rather import them from the developing world (where they are needed more than here), than pay a competitive salary.  I guess people need to start filing class action suits against hospitals and HMOs in order to get them to move.  The studies are starting to come out that could support this.  [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

Mr. Robb's summary of Alwin's post is misleading in the extreme. In particular, the idea that hospital stays will be so unpleasant because of foreign nurses is entirely Mr. Robb's opinion. This kind of nauseating racism is bad enough by itself, but making it appear to be somebody else's opinion is especially vile.
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Chuck Muth's News & Views. From Chuck Muth's News & Views:
Left Objects to Inappropriate Mine Rescue

A Committee composed of Senators Daschle, Clinton, and Feinstein have announced that the rescue of the Pennsylvania coal miners has been repealed, and the miners will, by recommendation of the Committee, be placed back in the mine. The Senators noted the following violations in the rescue process:

10. Heavy diesel equipment was moved to the rescue site without concern for possible air pollution.

9. Water was pumped out of the mine without first determining if it was polluted, or providing an environmentally safe catchment area for the water.

8. Numerous holes were drilled in the ground during the rescue, without first performing an Environmental Impact study.

7. No effort was made to ensure racial, ethnic, and sexual diversity of the rescue workers.

6. The Governor of Pennsylvania was heard to "Thank God" during a live television broadcast of the rescue, violating the separation of church and state.

5. Several people at this public, government supported, rescue mentioned praying.

4. The trapped miners did not represent a diversified cross section of American society.

3. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Hillary Clinton were not given sufficient time to make speeches at the site.

2. The Senate was not given sufficient time to determine whether or not any Republican office holder owned stock in the coal company, thus being responsible for the conspiracy that caused the mine to flood.

And Number 1: No one mentioned that Al Gore invented mine rescues.

"Once a diversified group of miners has been chosen and placed back into the mine shaft, the holes will be sealed, the water will be returned to the mine, and the rescue will then be undertaken again, in an environmentally and politically correct manner", the Committee noted.
[End the War on Freedom]
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