Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

N.Y. Pol: No Cell Phones for You. If one legislator has his way, New York City will ban the use of cell phones in practically every public venue. By Elisa Batista. [Wired News]

No mention of the First Amendment anywhere in the article. I suppose New York is so liberal that they don't even give lip service to it any more.
comment () trackback ()  5:46:55 PM    

Alternatives to HyperCard - MacInTouch Reader Reports

This page has emails suggesting alternatives to HyperCard, which has been Steved (although you can still buy it from Apple). SuperCard seems to be the most popular alternative among the readers who sent suggestions.
comment () trackback ()  3:38:27 PM    

LAnug Does Apple's Special Night!. Attention: we thought that there should be a showing of newton folks since this release does include some newton technology. we will be meeting at the glendale Apple store begining at 9:30pm.

so, let's have some fun, and light there night with green!

August 23rd: Special Night at all Apple Stores .......................

On Friday night, August 23rd at 10:20pm sharp, we9re letting the cat out of the bag. 100 minutes of free gifts, great savings, theater demos, and the chance to win a free Mac. This event is being held until midnight at all Apple Stores throughout the US. For the first people who enter the store there will be cool gifts such as Jaguar t-shirts and groovy Jaguar mouse pads...and a whole lot more. [NewtonAsMuse]

I wonder how the Newton incarnation of the technology will compare to Inkwell. It's too bad the Newton User Group is meeting at the Glendale store (which is too far away) rather than the new Grove store which is not too far from my apartment.
comment () trackback ()  2:32:34 PM    

Woman refuses airport screening. Al Greenwood at The Fayetville (NC) Observer - Woman refuses airport screening - the cops searched her after her arrest and found nothing. May she be the first of millions of travelers who refuse to be searched without a warrant. [kaba] [End the War on Freedom]

The woman was apparently charged with the "crime" of refusing to consent to a search. This shows how much "consent" is actually involved when the airport security people ask to search.

Personally, I already refuse to travel by air. I've had enough of being treated like I've entered East Berlin every time I go to an airport.
comment () trackback ()  9:57:04 AM    

Ashcroft's plan for detention camps for "enemy" U.S. citizens [Politech]

This one sounds too bizarre to be true if it weren't from/about Ashcroft. TIPS is the first shoe, detention camps without due process is the other.

Indeed it does. This ran in the editorial section of the LA Times, it is not a news piece. The editorials the Times runs are not noted for their factual content--it's entirely possible that this editorial is just another attack on a "conservative" politician.
comment () trackback ()  9:50:37 AM    

Disputed Air ID Law May Not Exist. Clever wording may be behind the airline industry's directive regarding the need for ID before travel, not an actual law -- which the EFF has filed suit to change, anyway. By Paul Boutin. [Wired News]

A recent lawsuit filed by Electronic Frontier Foundation founder John Gilmore against U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, United Airlines and several others challenges the requirement that airline flyers present government-issued identification in order to travel within the United States.

The suit claims unpublished federal regulations have created an "internal passport" for Americans in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

As it turns out, there may be no such law on the books. Instead, carefully worded rules and statements allow airlines to make it seem that way. Under current federal regulations, they're only required to ask for ID, not to make it a condition of travel.

This doesn't really surprise me. Since the government ignores laws that do exist whenever it suits them, it's only natural that they should also enforce nonexistent laws when it suits them.
comment () trackback ()  9:43:25 AM    

Here's a cartoon about the difficulty Apple is having in killing the Mac OS.
comment () trackback ()  12:01:45 AM    

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