Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, August 30, 2002

Wired has a cartoon about the Newton. It's pretty accurate in my case.
comment () trackback ()  7:37:31 PM    

Environmentalists oppose GM crops, let Africans starve to death? [Politech]

As if it's not bad enough that "Stalin" Mugabe created a famine, now his ideological brothers want to keep the affected people from receiving food aid. I'm endlessly disgusted by the way collectivists eagerly promote suffering and death as long as their ideology is advanced in doing so.
comment () trackback ()  10:45:14 AM    

Earth Summit Bogs Down in Bitter Trade Debate. The trade debate spilled onto the streets outside the tightly guarded conference center in the wealthy suburb of Sandton, where 200 poor farmers and local street traders from nearby shanty townships shouted slogans demanding freer trade.

"We want the freedom to grow what we want, when we want, with what technology we want, and without trade-distorting subsidies or tariffs," said Barun Mitra, an Indian farm activist leading about 30 farmers from his country. [Reuters]

This has been pretty much ignored by the US media--even here it's only a few paragraphs of a longer story. Still, it's nice to know that there are some voices of sanity present, even if they are mostly drowned out by Tranzi propaganda.
comment () trackback ()  9:56:52 AM    

Liberal domination on college campuses is even worse than you thought. [OpinionJournal]

It's hard to think of an ideal propounded with more fervor on our nation's campuses than that of diversity. So it is with more than passing interest that we noticed a new study confirming that when it comes to the political allegiances of college faculties, there is no such animal.

The study looks at party registration for faculty members, and divides them into right and left. I do object to their inclusion of Libertarians as "right"--the people who did the study seem to have missed the point a bit there. However, it's irrelevant to the results of the study, because nearly all faculty members belong to left parties.
comment () trackback ()  9:41:53 AM    

As I mentioned yesterday, I took part in the survey of Newton users mentioned by Wired. Now you can read my responses in the story titled "Apple Newton Research".
comment () trackback ()  9:07:21 AM    

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