Tuesday, October 29, 2002
PPC Linux vs. Mac OS X Server: Linux Edges Out [Slashdot]
Performance might've been better if Moshe had Mac OS X Server 10.2, with its faster GUI and other enhancements, but still, it appears that Mac OS X Server 10.1 was doing pretty good for a 1-year old.
But of course "Mac OS X Server" isn't one year old. It's actually fourteen years old--the first NeXTStep computer was released in 1988.
6:51:19 PM
AIM And ICQ to be Integrated [Slashdot]
If they're going to do that, they should make the ICQ client the base, since it's much better than the AIM client (at least on the Mac).
6:34:25 PM
The Left Hates America. Why does a large portion of the Islamic world hate America? Since 9-11, media pundits, government officials, and academics have obsessed over the question. Ignored is a more troubling and perplexing problem: Why does the American Left hate America? [Accuracy in Media]
The author never actually answers that question. However, this does fit in with the article I linked to yesterday by Justin Raimondo. The leftists protesting against a war in Iraq will never be effective when it's so obvious that they hate America at least as much as Saddam Hussein does (probably more, really).
10:37:05 AM
Attacking Iraq: A Reason Online Debate featuring John Mueller and Brink Lindsey
I'd hoped that Mr. Lindsey, representing the imperialist side, would present some new and better justification for why the US should make an unprovoked attack. However, so far I haven't been impressed. For example, there is the standard line that radical Islam is a threat to Western civilization, and therefore we should ally ourselves with radical Islamic Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to attack secular Iraq. Along the same vein, Lindsey also argues that we ignored North Korea in the 1990's and now the have nuclear weapons, so we should now continue to ignore them in favoring of attacking Iraq, which doesn't.
10:03:08 AM
I Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself. I Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself
A source called me today to to tell me that the following was a half-page ad in the middle of the New York Times Business Section.
A BIG FAT THANKS TO RECORD EXECS Thank you for fighting the good fight against Internet MP3 file-swapping. Because of you, millions of kids will stop wasting time listening to new music and seeking out new bands. No more spreading the word to complete strangers about your artists. No more harmful exposure to thousands of bands via Internet radio, either. With any luck, they wont talk about music at all. You probably knew you'd make millions embracing the technology. After all, the kids swapping were like ten times more likely to buy CD's, making your cause all the more admirable. It must have cost a bundle in future revenue, but don't worry - computers are just a fad anyway, and the Internet is just plain stupid. --Rolling Stone
Sometimes the source of the message is as powerful as the words. This one is a home run. [Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour]
9:15:00 AM
Watch Our Interview. Bug and I finished taping a short segment for UNC-TV. We will be aired with all the other candidates Sunday. You can see the segment online at the the UNC-TV website by Sunday. Juney was so well behaved during all 90 seconds. "Kiss" [Tara Sue's Weblog News]
9:04:18 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
3/9/2005; 2:31:31 PM.