Today's going to be one of "those" days. It's 10 AM and I'm on Coffee Cup #3-- no 4.
I have to run to Irvine to the Sony and Canon Repair Centers to pick up the in-law television and have my charger pack for the XL-1 camera (right) checked. The charger seems to be taking a little too long to charge the batteries. Either the packs are dying or the charger is malfuctioning. I'm going to be taking the camera to Illinois in the next few weeks, so I'd prefer no surprizes. I also need to stop in Fry's and Verizon to exchange things that aren't working right. I dread the return line at Fry's. They can suck-up time like a black hole with little or no apologies.
Also today is furniture delivery day. Oh Bouy! The new mattress and bed we ordered a while back is finally in. I look forward to getting something to sleep in that has a little more real estate and actually won't make me wake up in back pain. Not much to ask, right?
... I've just shoved Doug out the door for another countdown day at the pharmacy. The weather's been wonderful and he honestly didn't want to go in today. (It was one of those, I'd rather stay home and cut the grass days.) He has given the hospital notice that he's quitting his position at county hospital where he's been the clinical pharmacist next week. The job isn't going anywhere. The company running the pharmacies has made several promises they aren't keeping. So the writing was on the wall. We have been lucky, Doug found a decent headhunter working with him who is helping him find something a little more challenging. So now the countdown between positions is running.
Moving right along... I'm really glad to see Dave's making progress on his recovery. He seems to be showing all the S&S (signs and symptoms) of someone on the mend. (Congrads on being smokeless 1 month.) I've shared some news from time to time. I'm not sure that it's helped him, but I've shared stories with Dave about my cousin Joyce who had multi-bypass surgery a few weeks before him. Too bad Joyce and Dave are so far apart geographically. (I'm finally getting her online.) While they are both different personalities, Joyce is a retired (but not typical stuffy) bank officer, Dave our programming and internet guru, both have similiar interests besides being bypass patients. I'd love to get Joyce interested in weblogging. She's got a lot of information and perspectives to share with people regarding business, banking and the economy based on years of being in the business.
Well that's is about all the time I can give you good readers about now. I've got things to do, like clear out the hallway for the movers, load the dryer, and take out the garbage to get done. Exciting huh? Then this afternoon I've got to run the gauntlet of the LA Freeways before I come home and write up a proposal for a client.