Wednesday, January 23, 2002 |
Theme update
beowulf themes: I fixed a few things and made a page to house all the links. I also fixed all the links on the themes...learning...mj
9:09:32 PM
Theme crack...
...if you look to the right you will see that there are now a whole set of themes created from the basic Beowulf theme. PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK...let me know if you find any mistakes...these are uncharted seas...mj
5:13:24 PM
ahhh!...testing...testing...testing...done testing new themes...mj
4:09:09 PM
Screw: v. what music companies do to you and musicians
Courtney Love is one hell of a woman. Heroin, a daughter, Kurt's death, have all failed to slow her down. She is fighting a war against the record industry:
...you go for it girl...mj
1:26:20 PM
n : overbearing pride or presumption
n : interchangable with Microsoft...mj
11:22:08 AM
Sniff a little corporate Glue...
...braincells are such a waste...so sniff your way to success...mj
11:16:52 AM
Industry says ho-hum to Netscape suit
High-tech lobbyists issue a collective yawn as the AOL Time Warner unit sues Microsoft for damage done in the 1990s browser wars. [CNET News]
...maybe it's jetlag...perhaps it's lawsuit fatigue. I find it hard to think that people are yawning over this one. This suit has only two outcomes: 1. AOL is using this to force MS to give it what it could not win at the negotiating table; 2. It will open the crack in MS armour to an ever widening gap.
If MS loses this case it will bring even more lawsuits out of the woodwork. In the end MS is going to die the death of a thousand cuts. This is just another slice on the road to the desanguination of Microsoft...mj
9:05:27 AM
John Buchan. "An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support."
8:47:56 AM
Rant and Roll
Boxing must die. It simply serves no valid purpose anymore...not that it ever did...other than to give us Ali. I see his physical decline as symbolic of the decline of the whole sport. Tyson is an animal allowed to run free. Four federations, more champs and belts then I can care to count...crap, all of it, crap.
Just let it die...put it to bed. If boxing is to survive it needs to merge all the federations. One set of belts, one set of champs. A posted list of rankings.
It won't happen, so just let it die.
8:41:47 AM
Day after day...
...back to an old friend...iTunes is singing to me...parsons project...
Remember your daddy
When no one was wiser
Your ma used to say
That you would go further than he ever could
With time on your side
Think of a boy with the stars in his eye
Longing to reach them but frightened to try
Sadly you'd say someday, someday
8:31:24 AM
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