My keyboard layout, for Windows and Solaris
Here is my copy of
a scan code table that I found on the web some
months ago.
I took the almost-a-text-file (Unicode stuff maybe?)
that contains my Windows keyboard layout, as input
commands for the regedit program, and put it
as "MyKeyLayout_WORKs.txt".
This procedure has worked for me, on at least Win2000 and WinXP:
There's some of the xmodmap stuff at
Apparently I put it there in May, just before I started my current job.
One of these days, I'll dig up the actual files that I use at work these days.
Later: Nevermind. I do not use any actual Solaris keyboard remapping
these days, because I only connect to the Solaris machine at work via my
PC, which already has its keyboard remapped.
11:59:05 PM