LotY 2003
As I mentioned here
before wandering off onto barely-related tangents, the new year marks the time for the
pragmatic programmers
to decide on their 2003
Language of the Year.
It seems to be rather split up this year, with at least one or two folks going for each
of Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Oz, Erlang, and "continuing Haskell" . Now that I have
a machine that can run Paul Hudak's Haskell Graphics Library, I think I will go for
continuing with Haskell, and finishing Hudak's book.
My disappointment with Emacs Lisp tars my whole opinion about Lisps.
Often, when I've tried to make what should be trivial extensions, I have
had to copy the entire source for a large function, in order to repair its
badly-designed interface. I suppose bad design of this kind can happen
in any language, but it seems prevalent enough in Emacs Lisp to suggest
that Lisp discourages modularity.
In addition to Haskell, I also expect to be writing some Scala code.
9:16:20 AM