Sunday, January 16, 2005
2008 Presidential Election
A Curious Stranger likes the prospect of Howard Dean for DNC Chair. Curious writes, "Dean got a lot of people very excited by politics, and understood - or at least hired people who understood - how to use the Internet to bring those people into the fight. You wouldn't know it from his supporters or his campaign, but he's a pretty centrist Democrat with good instincts for drawing constituencies to the Democratic party that have been lost over the last 40 years."
Meanwhile the Western Democrat has the latest Wellington Webb watch. They write, "Nothing really new, except for the poll (Dean leads a DailyKos poll by a huge margin). What you could read from that is Dean is insanely popular with people with web access, Webb, not so much."
8:30:59 AM
Colorado Water
Congressman John Salazar is proposing a 3rd District Water Caucus to promote a unified approach to managing water and to help promote agriculture, according to the Cortez Journal. From the article, "The congressman is a potato-seed farmer from Manassa who at one time sold center-pivot irrigation systems. Salazar mentioned he is preparing to propose and later promote an idea for what he called the 3rd Congressional Water Caucus. 'I want to see if we can get all the water districts from the 3rd District together in an informed manner to talk about what's going on in each district and region,' Salazar explained. 'We can't lose what we've developed ... with the defeat of Referendum A.' In November 2003, Referendum A was Gov. Bill Owens' $2 billion in bonds for unspecified water storage projects. The measure failed in all 64 counties of the state. (Dolores Water) Conservancy President Don Schwindt, who also sits on the Colorado Water Conservation Board, called the idea a positive step."
8:22:33 AM
Denver November 2004 Election
The confirmation hearings for John Suthers' nomination as Colorado Attorney General should start this month. The Denver Post has a short article today about his involvment with politics as U.S. Attorney which would have been a violation of Justice Department policy [January 16, 2005, "Suthers faces questions on Justice Dept. probe"]. From the article, "Suthers said the investigation, which he described as politically motivated, uncovered no wrongdoing. He declined to release a copy of the investigation report. 'They concluded I had not actively engaged in any politics,' said Suthers, who also served as district attorney for El Paso and Teller counties from 1989 until 1997 and head of the state Corrections Department after that. 'That was the end of it. There was no sanction.'"
8:12:28 AM
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