Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:47:35 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Thursday, 28 February 2002

GoogleStak or Google Bomb? - It turns out that my great idea may have been previously invented! You can read all about Adam Mathes' Google Bomb here.

1:03:37 PM    Comments ()  

Now I'm very happy - I've managed to get someone to bite at last! This comment appeared in my blog this morning following my post on the clueless Cluetrain:

"I hope that the authors made a lot of money out of selling their book" -- well, let me set your mind at ease, Vic. we sure did. that's because lots of people read it and thought it was worth reading and told their pals about it. I guess if you were there to set them all straight, you could have saved them all "a lot of money." but where were you? hiding under your rock, no doubt, as you're still doing. write your own book if your so smart.

RoboCop [clocke@rageboy.com] • 2/27/02; 11:33:45 AM
Plus this entry on an [affiliated?] website:
Proof that you don't have to be a non-blogger to be stupid
"I love Dvorak - Actually I have never met the man, but anyone who hates the clueless Cluetrain as much as I do has to be worth knowing - right?

...I resent that they call them theses. That implies thought, argument and research have gone into their construction."

Based on that last bit, it's clear that this blogger has never attended a university.

I wonder who RoboCop really is? The "clues" he has left are easy enough for me to follow
  1. We sure did - implies he is one of the authors of the Cluetrain Manifesto
  2. http://www.rageboy.com/blogger.html - Entry in referrer log
  3. and from there I discovered Chris's identity

Interestingly I was accused recently of a stroke of Gonzo Marketing, which I see is the title of another of your books. When I began my GoogleStak campaign Birningbird said it was "This was a true Chris Locke marketing move!"

Well Chris, pleased to meet you I'm sure.

BTW: I love the last line of the comment Chris left for me: "write your own book if your so smart." What more can I say.

10:55:37 AM    Comments ()  

Farts - It seems that boys have a predisposition to be attracted to most bodily functions and flatulence is no exception. In order to help you [scientifically] classify those wisps of hot air we present http://www.createafart.com/

9:50:22 AM    Comments ()  

Speaking of going meta - These are the top 300 queries from the last 24 hours, taken from 5,606,847 queries, which represents the complete queries from the largest Metacrawlers on the web (Metacrawler/Dogpile etc..) for the last 24 hours.

  1. 4036          morpheus
  2. 1958          google
  3. 1815          yahoo
  4. 1799          hotmail
  5. 1784          hotmail.com
  6. 1709          Pictures
  7. 1618          lyrics
  8. 1534          ebay
  9. 1468          yahoo.com
  10. 1432          dictionary
DISCLAIMER : We have removed all pornographic related keywords and phrases from this top 500 keyword report. However, if you wish to have an unbiased report with all pornographic terms left in, then please see the end of this newsletter. [site link]
9:48:05 AM    Comments ()  

From Search Engine Watch - The Ten Commandments of Internet Searching (according to Washington Researchers)

  1. Know your search engine. Remembering that only a portion of all the websites are indexed by the best search engines ­ leads right into #2.
  2. Use multiple search engines (or metacrawlers)
  3. Don't count on being anonymous. Don't forget about those cookies!
  4.  Search for sources, not just information.  Look for people you can call to get more detailed information.
  5. Consider the source of what you find. Just because it is in print, doesn't mean it's true. Information can be typed incorrectly or copied from another source that was wrong. Or perhaps it is written just to be misleading.
  6. Be prepared to spend some money to get the really good stuff.
  7. Ask, "Is there any reason to believe what I want is out there?" BEFORE going on-line.
  8. Don't use the Internet to do a database service's work.
  9. Know your outcome. Searching or surfing? Searching has an outcome in mind. Surfing implies enjoying the ride ­ letting yourself be taken along where links lead you. Each has its purpose  -- understand the difference. 
  10. Buy a kitchen timer. If you don't watch yourself, you will spend hours looking for something that can't be found or you will end up surfing instead of searching.
9:44:41 AM    Comments ()  

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