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January 2003
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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Wednesday, January 1, 2003
[3:19:06 PM]     
"End of year figures suggest that Mozilla-based browsers have a 1.7 percent market share and that Mozilla has now overtaken Opera as the third most popular browser."

Thanks Republican Corporate Criminals for making the world safe for Microsoft's competition-crushing practices.

[1:57:41 PM]     
We own Marion (Spike) Bowman on Google, at least for today.

We hope he fully explains what went wrong. We hope the explanation is accurate, and that what happened is easy to forgive.

If the explanation isn't forthcoming (and accurate), we hope a future independent prosecutor will sweat it out of him in one of the interrogation chambers General Ashcroft is building. And we hope Marion (Spike) Bowman gives up names.

[12:39:11 PM]     
A licentious tour of the day's headlines....

Dow Chemical is suing survivors of its Bhopal catastrophe. (Dow just bought Union Carbide.) That's good PR. William Stravopoulos is the new CEO, based on making the Union Carbide deal. He wins today's Rape Your Victims award.

California Governor Gray Davis just appointed an ex-energy company Thief-in-Chief to head the Public Utilities Commission. Davis wins today's DICK Cheney Memorial Award. Oh, that's right... DICK isn't dead yet. (We wish DICK a long and healthy life. We just want it to be in prison for his role in making the September 11 attacks so successful, corruption, war crimes, etc.) So the award is pre-posthumous (on DICK's part).

"Bush says North Korea different from Iraq" read the headline. There's no point in satirizing: "The northern Korenites don't have any oil, and as long as we keep them in power, there's still hope of getting people to believe Star Wars is necessary, even though it doesn't work. Without the Korenites, it might cost us a billion dollars to steal the next election. Saddam can't do anything like that for us. If he really were giving Al Keyda chemical weapons, everything would be different. Rummy made him the offer, but Saddam refused. That's why Poppy and I hate Saddam so much."

"9 states sue over relaxation of clean air rules." Ho hum. Republican Corporate Criminals paid good money to get these rules relaxed. What's more important -- the health of our good American Campaign Contributors, or some white trash from states that keep voting for the wrong party?

"'Dolphin safe' tuna rules relaxed for imports to US." Ha ha. "Dolphins are still killed by the thousands by tuna fleets run by a few Mexican multi-millionaire cronies of the Bush family, but since the *species* is not threatened, the dolphins are actually being protected." You *might* have thought that was more licentious satire, but that's the argument from Bill Hogarth, director of the National Marine Fisheries Service. (Well, he probably didn't mention the millionaire Bush cronies.) It's a little like saying that when DICK Cheney was killing tens of thousands of conscripted Iraqi teenagers with carpet bombs and then burying their bodies in the sand where they died (so reporters wouldn't see them), that he was protecting Iraqis, because Iraqis weren't threatened with complete annihilation. So Bill gets today's DICK Cheney Memorial Carpet Bomber Cover-up Award. This is a highly prestigious honor. It comes with a new wig.

"Chief justice pleads again for higher pay for judges" William "don't-let-the-brownskins-vote" Rehnquist argued that many of the underpaid judges are forced to use their payola to pay their mortgages. "That under-the-table booty should go toward luxuries like exotic vacations and exotic hookers, not necessities like mortgages and five-star restaurants. Is a federal judge really worth less to Chevron than Charles James?" (Charles James was in charge of DoJ's knifing of the Microsoft prosecution, and recently received his reward at Chevron, the top-level Bush-crony energy company.). "Why should the appellate judges who protected Microsoft get less money out of the deal than James? He's even a nigra, for heaven's sake!" continued Rehnquist.

In other Supreme Court news, the five Republican Criminal members have voted to change their official titles to "Corrupt-Bush-Cronies-Formerly-Known-As-Justices".

"Election scandal topples Israeli deputy minister... She refused to answer questions about fraud during Likud probe" Unsatisfied with the inherent limits of war-mongering and race-baiting to crush democratic processes, Sharon made changes in the primary system to reduce the influence of the pesky voters. If you promised to vote Sharon's way, you could get into the Knesset just by coughing up the right number of New Shekels. Good for the resume, good for your friends, and a get-out-of-jail-free card, to boot. Even the Bush-lette wishes he had that kind of system.

Naomi Blumenthal refused to answer police questions. You can imagine the questions: "Was Sharon behind this? Who did you slip the cash to? Why didn't you cut the Attorney General's office in on it?"

The article then goes on to mention the Arab politicians banned from the election because they don't publicly support Sharon's campaign of state terrorism against the People the Jews stole Palestine from. It doesn't mention the Jews are about to vote to ban the Arab's political party. It does mention that the Jews allowed a Jewish proponent of even more ethnic cleansing to run for office.

Quick... why do we say "Jews" and "Arabs"? Israel still has 20% Arab population. But it's Jewish members of Knesset that are voting to keep prominent Arabs out. That's not a coincidence. Race is the thing in Israel. (It probably isn't really "race". How different are the chromosome's of Palestinians and Jews? Not very. It's more a tribal thing. Whatever floats your boat.)

"2 US space giants accused of aiding China" Two more Republican Criminal Corporations caught red-handed at the worst kind of high treason. Hughes and Boeing were helping China build ICBMs.

Boy, how much will it cost them in campaign contributions to get out of this one? Oh, I forgot: nothing. Hughes and Boeing make a lot of the toys that go into the Great Republican Military Fraud. They're like money-launderers for Poppy's buddies. The charges were made by the State Department, run by that black guy, Colin Powell.

Here's a good line from the article: "The Justice Department spent years on a criminal investigation of the companies and a third one involved in similar activity in China, Loral Space & Communications. But several months ago, federal prosecutors informed the firms that they would not filie any criminal charges." Imagine that. Federal prosecutors under the Bush regime decide not to prosecute major Bush campaign contributors! Whatever would Molly Ivins think about that?

The Bush family agenda is to promote threats against the United States in order to justify Star Wars Fraud. Boeing, Hughes, and Loral will be *huge* winners (and money funnels) with Star Wars. Star Wars money is especially nice because they don't even have to *try* to make it actually work. You charge $10 billion to move some non-working parts from a warehouse full of garbage to one full of "advanced technology", then slip a percentage to the Republican Party, and a much larger percentage to a host of contracting companies with shady subsidiaries and large boards of Republican Criminal directors.

"FBI suspects more men used false IDs to enter US". And Bush's daughters used false IDs to enter bars. After all the scare stories coming out of the FBI and Justice and White House and Pentagon, why should we believe any more of this. Just go find the bad guys, prosecute them, and put them in jail. *That's* your job in this country, not piling on the state terrorism.

"LA homicides jump 10% -- 659 in year" The Republican-engineered recession is taking its toll. Prosperity is a good thing. Remember the difference between Reagan/Poppy and Clinton? Bush's answer will be that we need to build more prisons. Great. Funnel more money to the Republican Criminal Corporations who build the prisons.

There was a bit of good news today. Various Palestinian factions are talking about cooling it on the suicide-bomber thing. We know how it will turn out already, though. Hamas will agree to scale back. Sharon will immediately scale up the terrorism on Hamas leaders. Hamas will eventually go back to their old ways, because it's too dangerous for the leaders to cross Sharon by reducing violence.

You would think that Palestinians would be better off giving up violence, because it's the only way Sharon can keep power and prevent a workable peace settlement. In fact, eschewing violence would be very dangerous right now. Sharon would be desperate, and seize Gulf Wars II as a chance to cleanse the rest of Palestine. The resulting international instability would be Sharon's only chance to stay in power. Cleansing the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights would be a trifecta to rival Bush's September 11 trifecta.

This licentious radio news update brought to you by Poppy, DICK, Junior, Ariel (ha ha -- girl's name), and all the gang. Happy New Year, boys!

Copyright © 2003 Licentious Radio.
Last update: 2/1/03; 4:45:37 PM.