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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
[6:10:38 PM]     
To the Bush-worshiping Republican Corporate Media, and those who are offended by people who are angry at Bush:

"Those who support Bush, who cram their theories to fit a man of his stature, are simply afraid to admit to any flaw in him because it will bring the whole house of cards tumbling down. So you invent a jut-jawed man of action, determined and resolute with a clear vision of world harmony. But the whispering in your head won't stop: he's a vile and craven little momma's boy, a snooty insider trader and coward who deserted his National Guard post while the great unwashed were still dying in Vietnam, and who rushed off to save his candy ass on September 11 and invented a lie about Air Force one being a target while the great unwashed were once again dying under the rubble. But you're too damned afraid to admit it. Sick of it? Too bad."

Plenty of people in the world are sick of the whole Republican Axis of Evil: the racism, the fraud, the war-mongering, the profiteering, the use of government to give profits to contributors, and the use of the profits to buy elections, the right-wing religious whackos who pervert Christianity into a message of hatred and intolerance, the destruction of the environment for a bit of profit, and on and on. El Stupido exemplifies the worst elements, and has worked more evil in two years than any president in history.

[11:45:57 AM]     
Good to see that Ken Starr is a coward who will never face Susan McDougal in a public forum. Starr surely had one of the most despicable roles in the Bush-family conspiracy to destroy Clinton. He's well-rewarded financially, of course. We can only be glad that he will never be able to defend himself in a public forum.

I wonder how people like Starr get tables at restaurants.

[11:34:08 AM]     
This is how Bush's house of cards may collapse:

'Even Foreign Secretary Jack Straw of staunch US ally Britain, while condemning Iraq's attitude to the inspectors as "a charade", said the continuation of the searches was up to the UN Security Council - not any one state.'

The UN has not and will not approve Bush conquest of Iraq. *Congress* has approved it, but that is not enough. If Bush were to force the issue immediately, Blair would probably pull out -- 80% of his citizens are against Bush's war. Without Blair, the last fig leaf would be gone. Clearly the US *could* invade, but the consequences would be dire.

US more isolated on Iraq after Blix report [].

[11:24:42 AM]     
Text of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 []. What a sad story. Democrats handed Bush a blank check to make war. All Bush has to do is say it's "necessary".

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Last update: 2/1/03; 4:46:13 PM.