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Monday, June 03, 2002 |
Failure is Good or Applying Parallelism to Yourself
I know that my long time readers have seen various and sundry different things from me since I've been blogging. Here's some of the things I've worked on:
- Spec'd a set of changes that I want in a news aggregator
- Wrote a fairly public spec for a distributed OPML rendering system
- Wrote an OPML viewer that converts OPML to HTML and works (well, ok, not always, I'll admit it and I'm in process on a full rewrite). Go.
- Blog.name announced Friday
- The (very successful, if I do say so myself) 101 series of articles on marketing, consulting and business
- Miscellaneous PHP stuff including multiple articles in PHP Beginner
- Ranted about Microsoft a lot -- http://radio.weblogs.com/0103807/categories/microsoft/
- Repeated mentions of a new email product coming out soon. Soon keeps moving farther and farther out of course (ain't software just grand)
- Incessant blog entries blathering about random stuff (like this)
- Written a series of free articles on Radio that led to my being the #1 scott johnson world wide on Google (ok, that's a bit vain but it's still cool)
- Written the Radio UserLand chapters for the upcoming O'Reilly book "Blogging Essentials". Ok. Still revising but I did write them.
- Had a hard drive die on my notebook and recovered it with 0% data loss (as far as I can tell right now, maybe I'm wrong but it looks great so far)
I suspect your thoughts are on the order of: "Disfocused" or "Just plain whacked". And, there is some truth to that but here's why I have put so many "oars in the water":
I Expect to Fail
Ouch! That looks horrible when I actually write it down but it's so damn true I can't help myself. Here's the reality, at least for me:
- Most new things you do fail. No shame in it. Remember the mantra "80% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years"? Strike out "new businesses" and substitute "most things " and then strike out "5 years" and make it "10 days" (or substitute another time period, it varies).
- Better to try and fail than never try. I learn from every single whack thing I do and my coding and writing skills get better every single day.
- Pretty much everything I do leads to some kind of visibility either here or thru Google or somewhere else (it's good to be public).
- I get really nice email from people all over the world about these efforts and that makes my whole day (example: A reader from Brazil sent thanks and a "hug" last week, I couldn't have been happier).
- Something will succeed -- I just don't know what -- and by going parallel rather than serial I am optimizing my chances (IMHO)
The classical business approach is go deep and focus in one area. I totally agree -- but how do you pick an area. What I am really doing is applying lighweight parallelism and using that to test the waters. When something gets a lot of interest then I go back and focus on it. So, am I whacked? Or does this make sense to anyone?
7:44:05 AM Google It!
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