During a week in which most software companies were happy if revenues didn't fall too much, Documentum Inc. reported a 17 percent increase in second-quarter revenues over last year's, including a 26 percent increase in software license revenues.
The enterprise content management software developer recorded revenues of $54 million for the quarter, up from $46.1 million in the same year-ago period. License revenues jumped from $21.4 to $27 million year-to-year.
Despite the revenue gains, Documentum, of Pleasantville, Calif., still ended up with a slight net loss for the quarter, of $473,000. The company lost $14.1 million in the same period last year.
Talk about serendipity. As I go to the www.evolt.org site to unsubscribe from their mailing lists (I'm dumping all mailing lists for a while), I find this article:
And, what have I been coding all day? A natural language parser for treating emails sent to a common address like todo@ yourdomain.com as task list items -- but inferring properties like Priority, Status, Project, Categories, Who to Assign them to, etc. Serendipity in action. It's all database driven a pretty cool piece of code that knows that "Paolo" = www.evectors.com = IdeaTools and that tasks from Paolo have a higher priority than tasks from other sources, etc. More details as it gets more features and such.
Well it's Happy Late Evening (3 am) in Boston. My solution to TWDFH (the work day from hell) is increasingly simple and powerful -- I just retreat to the metaphorical womb of my bed -- at about 8 pm. And when you seemingly only ever sleep in 1 stretch between 4 to 6 hours then it means "Good Morning Europe". My schedule which two weeks ago was on Italian time, made a brief return to Boston time, has now returned to Italian time. And given that I head west to OSCON on Sunday at 6:40 pm from Logan (in case any other geeky bostonians are on that same flight), I wonder what time zone I'll be in next week. Oh well. Sigh. But the single best part of getting up this early? Damn few distractions. I mean even the cats are asleep. Which means it's a great time for cool code like a natural language parser for email subject lines. And even my new Drupal theme is coming together.