The U.S. Supreme Court appeared deeply troubled Tuesday by a Minnesota rule that restricts what state judicial candidates can say during election campaigns. []
3:19:47 PM
Integrating Technology: other perspectives.
It helps to understand the perspectives of the computer users, and I suppose the computers too (if that's possible). [Link]
2:47:14 PM
Winking Jesus? Take the test because it may be a miracle.
I know that Tim Berners-Lee said that one feature of the Web is that it would always be a "little broken," but I can't help being critical of sites that have lots of broken hyperlinks. Like this one for example.
12:47:08 AM
Is Tauzin-Dingell good for the Internet?
Here's another viewpoint, which suggests that the Tauzin-Dingell Bill is good. Hey, call me crazy, but considering other viewpoints is how we sharpen our focus. Zimran Ahmed has thought it through, and makes some good points. [See Cite]
12:43:02 AM
IT Directors are from Mars, Lawyers are from Venus
"In the anthropology of law firms, a few basic divisions stand out. There are those who earn fees (lawyers) and those who don't (staff); and those who understand technology (IT staff and a few lawyers) and those who don't, even though they must use it (most lawyers). "
This is a great article, and not surprisingly the discussion takes place in the offices of Bartlitt, Beck -- a firm that "gets it" both as to using technology and finding alternative fee arrangements (and a firm where I had the pleasure of shooting a few hoops on their indoor basketball court). [ article]