Wouldn't it be cool if you could check the web rankings and see where you and your friends all ranked among each other? Just like the old subhonker Radio rankings (what is a "subhonker" anyway)? Oh, and the rankings would be based on "integrity" or "honesty."
The point isn't so much to see who can be the most honest. I just wonder what would happen to those people who have a distorted (and inflated) sense of grandeur if they could see that people really didn't rank them as high as they'd imagined. Probably wouldn't work, though. You can never overestimate the power of people who aren't honest with others to deceive themselves.
10:53:36 PM
Palm says Microsoft doesn't send it flowers anymore either...
Palm says Microsoft tried to block its software development, and frustrate Palm users, by disrupting how the device communicates with desktop computers. That statement was made by a Palm witness in the state antitrust proceeding, and was intended to show that Microsoft's disclosure of technical information to software developers should apply to many emerging technologies, and not just the desktop operating system market. [Findlaw]
4:28:01 PM
Spamming, free speech?
The California Supreme Court agreed Wednesday to review an appeals court decision which said a fired Intel Corp. worker was guilty of trespassing when he inundated the company with critical e-mails. Five of the high court's seven justices agreed to set aside the lower court's December ruling in a case testing whether free speech protections extend to business e-mail systems. [Findlaw]
4:19:25 PM
Florida Justice involved in Bush-Gore decision retires
Florida Supreme Court Justice Major Harding, who took part in the legal battle over the 2000 presidential election, is retiring after 11 years on the court. . . Harding served on the high court when, during two nationally televised hearings, it allowed Vice President Al Gore to recount Florida ballots in the politically explosive 2000 presidential election. He voted for Gore's position in one ruling, and against him in the next. [Findlaw]
4:16:54 PM
Is the campaign finance reform law constitutional?
Two lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of campaign spending limits were filed within hours after President Bush signed into law a wide-ranging plan to rein in the influence of big money in political campaigns. "Clearly the battle is not over," said Rep. Martin Meehan, D-Mass., who has fought for years to pass campaign finance legislation. "This bill will be challenged in court, and we are ready for that fight." [Findlaw]