Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to Maine I go - I'm heading off to the PopTech Conference in Camden, Maine, which is a gathering of tech luminaries to discuss the impact of technology on everyday life. This year's theme is "Artificial Worlds." The conference will have wireless Internet access available so I guess I'll try to blog the conference over on this page, but I've never done real-time blogging before, and it's probably not my predilection. Since I'm travelling tomorrow I'm also concerned about this.
8:15:39 PM
Jacob Stein - is a great lawyer and a great writer. I searched the web to see if there were any links to stories that he has written. I found this link. Enjoy!
3:44:44 PM
Soon-to-be-lawyer blawg - Charlie Nu is up to no good. That is, he's thinking about becoming a lawyer.
1:40:37 PM
I was wrong and I admit it - I admire Doc Searls. I admired him before he apologized for not disclosing something to his readers that they apparently didn't know and should have been told about (I am, I suppose, in the minority of his readers who surmised that which he supposedly didn't disclose and wasn't bothered by the omission). But I admire him even more for just apologizing and saying he was wrong. I didn't think he was wrong, but, like I said, I'm not a bellweather blogger. My blog is mostly a lawyer blog and so I guess I have to leave the lawyers who come here with something to cogitate about (lawyers don't think; we "cogitate"). So here is Jacob Stein's piece on The Gentle Art of Confessing Error. Let us go and cogitate in peace.
Legal Humor - yes Virginia there are some funny lawyers (most don't practice law, though). And there are some law blog sites dedicated to satire and humor. The latest blog site to join the fray is Sean Carter's Lawpsided, which is the host of the Supreme Court Fantasy League. Also, don't forget to visit Mad Kane's site too.
9:36:15 AM