Early next year my law firm will have a blog - and probably not a lot of people will notice because it will look just like a page on our current website. What am I talking about? Well, here is my firm's current News & Events page on our website, and here is the same page generated as a category from Radio. Oh, and does anybody know what the significance of this is?
The only thing left to do is to set up the category to FTP to our website and overwrite the current News & Events page. It shouldn't be too hard. I'd do it now, but I've still got some work to do and some other stuff to take care of. Oh, and lest anyone think that I created all this magic by myself, I didn't. Matt Mower basically did it for our firm, and for a very reasonable fee. He can help your law firm or business out too. If you want to discover the power of weblogs, that is. Send him and E-mail and see what he can do for you.