Updated: 9/1/2002; 10:49:50 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Friday, August 09, 2002

How to Grow a Software Company.

And, as I opined last year, I am skeptical that funding (from VCs, Microsoft, or anyone else) is a key limiting factor influencing the amount of software innovation.  Right up until 1994 or so, VC funding for software was nearly impossible to get.  It was in this austere environment that TCP/IP, SMTP, NNTP, and HTTP were created.  This was the genesis of "The Web".  Then, for the next ten years, the market was saturated with "stupid money".  And I argue that innovation stalled during that time period.  Certainly the reach of the web expanded, but increasingly the practicioners abandoned fundamentals and chased after politicians, get-rich-quick schemes, and "the next big thing".

Good ideas don't need crazy money to grow.  Especially good software ideas.  [Better Living Through Software]

Good thoughts from a Microsoft program manager. The company where I'm at, Interface Software, took an initial investment from our founder more than five years ago. All growth since then (500%+ revenue growth) has been from revenues, and we're profitable. Probably best of all, we didn't have anyone forcing us to go public in 1999 or 2000. Instead, we have a healthy company that grew over 40% in a year when the overall CRM market was down more than 15%.

I think the current VC market is healthy - companies that confused "burn rate" with "revenues" have gone away. And I like the idea above - good ideas don't need crazy money to grow. I'll take leadership, focus and flexibility any day of the week.

[tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]
4:41:26 PM    comment []

Fast Company only begins to sketch the Washington-Hollywood power grab. It's true Silicon Valley isn't doing anything to stop it. Our reps in Washington also represent the SouthLand. But I part company with the author of the article on two counts. 1. No matter what the discredited venture capital industry does or doesn't do, the laws they're passing won't stand up to a First Amendment test, and 2. Bad laws are not obeyed by the people. "Think different," as one Silicon Valley company requests. [Scripting News]

I am troubled when executive leaders choose to placing obstacles in front of their competitors before understanding why customers are leaving them for their competitors. Industry leadership should focus on the customers needs and respond by building or providing a more valuable solution for their customers. So they don't leave in the first place. Even though bad laws like prohibition get overturned I don't want to have to wait the ten or twenty years for the mass movement to take its full course. I would rather try to prevent the bad decisions in the first place.

4:34:45 PM    comment []

Wind River wins nerve gas detector deal. The seller of software for non-PC computing devices is in a deal to have its software used in thousands of weapon detectors commissioned by the U.S. military. [CNET News.com]

hmmm. devices and operating systems for non-PC computing

4:16:51 PM    comment []

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10.PA 765: Social Capital Theory

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