Updated: 9/1/2002; 10:50:02 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Monday, August 26, 2002

One Nation, Under Blog. Wired News Article "Industry research powerhouses are likely to stay away from the blog-osphere until it reaches profitability. Gartner, Neilsen//NetRatings,... [Diary of a Superfluous Man]

I think that sooner rather than later Industry research powerhouses will have to come to terms. Web Logs are a winning information seeking strategy for very mature web users. The future here but just a bit unevenly distributed [bruce sterling]

3:55:46 PM    comment []

I'm having an e-mail exchange with Valdis Krebs, of orgnet.com. I see links to him at

Intriguing is the term I'm using. I've analyzed social networks myself, of course: "What the #@$@# am I doing at this party?" (Apparently a naive comment on my knowing someone with a high “betweenness” value; see Valdis' Intro to Social Network Analysis). Valdis applies this to mapping terrorist cells, corporations, etc. [Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog]

Ron deffinitally has high brigger scores.

3:52:19 PM    comment []

Thomas Madsen-Mygdal: "The next Danish prime minister will have a weblog." [Scripting News]

What a contry

3:49:25 PM    comment []

Non-obvious relationship awarness (NORA) story provided to me by Ron Lusk
10:04:04 AM    comment []

On the naming of things (klogs=knowledge sharing notebooks). (SOURCE:McGee's Musings)-Hmm. I think we are getting there!I personally don't like any name with the term "knowledge management" because this conjures up visions of hard to use systems dictated by a centralized knowledge management priesthood, but I like "knowledge sharing notebooks", "personal knowledge publishing" and "professional knowledge publishing". There's been an interesting stream of discussion over the past week about finding a better term than klogs on the premise that "klog" is a bit short in the marketing pizazz department. Matt Mower started the discusion and Roland offered his insights. Now David here is adding his two cents (tuppence I suppose for David). I've been mulling the issue over as well and I'm not as keen on the PKP or TKP notions put forth. To me "publishing" isn't the key issue, sharing is. I would suggest Knowledge Sharing Notebooks both to emphasize the sharing aspect and diminish the pyschological barrier the "publishing" raises. [Roland Tanglao's Weblog] [Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog]

Maybe something with Digital but also with a reffrence to engineering something. I remember being advised to start a event log any time I detected an all hands IT emergency because the guy with the most accurate log will be able to define what actually happend in all the post mortam meetings.

Digital Ships Log, Digital Knowledge bla , oh well; it worked well for cable, people understood clearly that digital cable was better than plain old cable but could fill in the blanks in terms favorable to themselves.

It may be that Blog wins out in the end because Web Log is still the best description that I've used with people new to the topic. I mean I thought web surfing was kind of dumb but now we all web surf.


9:33:22 AM    comment []

Corporate Blog Policy.

Ray Ozzie (co-founder of Lotus Notes, and currently behind the promising Groove) has encouraged his employees to use weblogs for KM, knowledge sharing, and - let's face it - PR. I'm behind him on all three counts. He asked Groove's counsel to come up with a corporate policy on blogs for employees. The resulting policy is here; it's well worth a read.

He asks:

Perhaps we can learn from one another: are there any other companies that have done similar things?  Can you provide links or stories?

My meeting with IT went well on Friday. I think we're going to do a pilot in-house with a half-dozen to a dozen people.

This is very helpful I'm also working on a pilot proposal for a corporte use of web logs.

9:20:41 AM    comment []

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6.Mutual Commitment, Norm Formation and Indirect Regulation of ...
8.Bettenhausen, K. & Murnighan, JK (1985) - "The Emergence of Norms ...
9.Mutual Commitment, Norm Formation and Indirect Regulation of ...
10.PA 765: Social Capital Theory

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