Updated: 9/1/2002; 10:50:00 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Michael's essay on swarming how network make orginizations rethink orginization. Michael Helfrich works with Groove to help us rethink the consumer's role in the value creation process on the network.
4:41:50 PM    comment []

Matt column on particle physics.

4:37:42 PM    comment []

I would like to welcome you also. It just takes one dedicated blogger to unlock the truth for all of us.. 

My First Blog. I want to welcome myself to the world of blogs and blogging, where everything matters and the link is the... [Diary of a Superfluous Man]


2:20:28 PM    comment []

What is this healthy forrest thing. Cut all the trees down and you wont have anymore of these pesky forest fires?
1:58:54 PM    comment []

Brand names are imprinted on the brain: Study. A brand is not just a name. The brain reacts to brands by conjuring up a whole range of associations and ideas, which are primarily emotional, says a new study. The study conducted by reasearchers at the University of California, Los Angeles claimed that consumers reading a brand name do not treat it like any other word -- instead they activate parts of the brain normally used to process emotions... [xBlog: The visual thinking weblog | XPLANE] [Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog]

That's what we call value based branding. Find something you can provide that your customers deeply want that your competitors can't or won't. You have to find an empty spot in the mental model of the customer you have to be able to "own it" There is a good book about architypes that has the primis that each of us organize brands in one of 12 or so architypes in our head. I think the book is called "The Hero and The Outlaw"

9:26:56 AM    comment []

the RIAA on a path to attempt to turn off the DSL and cable connections of P2P users it identifies en masse, as it can do via the DMCA.  Verizon and other ISPs would then be in hot water -- they could end being forced to deny broadband service to 50% of all subscribers in the US.   This would be a major blow to Internet and crush any potential for a revival of the US economy.  That a puny $20 b industry is on a path to potentially cause $100 billion ++ in damage to the US economy based on less than $1 b in suspected damages defies reason. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

9:15:35 AM    comment []

The Swarming Organization: Military might meets commercial F500 challenges.  While I've never heard a company call it this, SWARMING is the key theme that many are talking about specific to enterprise collaboration.  It's grounded in providing frameworks to support self-forming teams optimized to embrace an opportunity, or fight a threat...

[Michael Helfrich's Radio Weblog] [Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog]
9:13:03 AM    comment []

It just takes one dedicated blogger to unlock the truth for all of us.

This will get their attention but remember is started with just one dedicated blogger talking to and working with another.

A great article at Projo.com about Tara Grubb's candidacy and her weblog and other people's weblogs. Plus a nice photo of Tara and her baby girl, Junebug. I just got off the phone with a reporter for a well-known news source, this story is going to grow.


How? Here's the simplest thing we could do: identify 2 luddite members of Congress -- one Republican and one Democrat. Organize and defeat them in November. If Congress saw bad ideas cost seats, they'd begin to do something about their bad ideas.[lessig]

I dont think the structure of the network is best used on two individuals. Web logs have an amazing ability to keep track of vast amounts of information from many sources faster than most traditional news sources. The truth squad on negative adds where web logs identify bad behavior and ask for help from the community to fact check then give the resutlt so the traditional media outlets.

Web Logs connect everything togheter. The strength of the network is not focusing on two indivuduals it our ability to track many. How many of you keep up with more than 10 blogs using closely and another 25 or so loosely. There are strenght in weak ties.


9:04:58 AM    comment []

© Copyright 2002 Stephen Dulaney.
1.Reprints Page
3.Blogging Alone
4.Blogging Alone
5.Blogging Alone
6.Mutual Commitment, Norm Formation and Indirect Regulation of ...
8.Bettenhausen, K. & Murnighan, JK (1985) - "The Emergence of Norms ...
9.Mutual Commitment, Norm Formation and Indirect Regulation of ...
10.PA 765: Social Capital Theory

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