Updated: 9/1/2002; 10:50:01 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Friday, August 23, 2002

News.Com: Hyperlink patent case fails to click. [Scripting News]


1:43:59 PM    comment []

'Bottom-up' journalism from the pros about creating a list of candidates favorable to network consumers like bloggers.

12:05:04 PM    comment []

My reflections from a Groove Radio Experiment
11:46:55 AM    comment []

There was a nice story on NPR yesterday about the new connected world where you should reach a hand out every time you get the chance. He said with email and no mention of blogs but it was David Winebeger form the Journal of the hyperlinked.
11:43:41 AM    comment []

Wired.  The first "weblog candidate."

In contrast to Coble, Grubb won an instant fan club by setting up her own weblog this week. "I'm not a techie," she said. "I was looking at Ed Cone's weblog and some others, and they were saying, 'Well, what's keeping her from downloading [weblog editing software] Radio?' So I did. It was the easiest thing in the world."

[John Robb's Radio Weblog]
11:18:22 AM    comment []

Remember 8 track tapes?

Washington Post: "The most downloaded album in Internet history -- the recently released 'The Eminem Show' -- is also the best-selling album of the year, which suggests that at least some fans were spurred to buy the disc even though they already had it stashed on their hard drives." [Scripting News]

The RIAA needs to ask why there users are using this method to get music. I suspect they have a last yard problem. Music today is more and more being distributed the last yard from some digital player. How many people use headphones attached to a computer or other mp3 device to listen to music? Why can't you go to the record store and go to a kiosk and build to order your own play list and walk away with a memory stick or other digital media that has the songs ready for listening the way you want to listen?

5:27:04 AM    comment []

Ride sharing declared illegal!.

BBspot is a "satirical news and comedy source and meant to be funny. If you are easily offended, gullible or don't have a sense of humor we suggest you go elsewhere." [Scripting News]

Ford Testifies to Stop Ride Sharing

Washington DC - William Ford Jr., CEO of the Ford Motor Company testified before Congress about the nationwide problem of ride sharing. Ford cited ride swapping as the number one reason for the the company's declining revenue. "These 'pool pirates are depriving Ford of rightful income. Three sometimes four people are sharing rides. Less wear and tear on the cars means fewer new car purchases. That's revenue that's being robbed from Ford."

» Fantastic!

[Curiouser and curiouser!]
5:05:34 AM    comment []

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9.Mutual Commitment, Norm Formation and Indirect Regulation of ...
10.PA 765: Social Capital Theory

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