Peter and I hosted our book club this evening - we clubbed al fresco on one of the great decks in Anchorage. Turnout was a tad light - we could only postulate that perhaps the no shows had been taken ill with extreme cases of blue sky flu.
But we loyal few, we band of brothers, had a marvelous discussion of "The Last Samurai" by Helen DeWitt. Quite an intellectual tour de force for a first novel. Several thought it was "show offy." That didn't bother me as much as it sometimes can. I though it was a good novel with an unsettling darkness. The genius little kid is great. Anyhoo - enought literary prattling. Here are some pics from tonight's al freso literary gathering:
Clem helps Gordon with his luscious grilled melon porkchop:

Odd sort of purple column bisecting Gordon, Sue, and Cliff:

Peter, Clem, and Blythe discuss the book:

10:11:16 PM