A fun day today - the very small telephony museum at the old Bell Atlantic (now Verizon) building; the Boston Museum of Fine Arts - great museum but just how many still lifes can a person view in one day; and a great dinner with Justin and Ally (Peter's nephew and nephew's girlfriend) - we think we have the Mideast situation all figured out - now if Kofi Annan and President Bush would just give us call...
More about the Still Lifes - the exhibition was interesting. All the greats, Manet, Monet, Degas, Renoir, etc. were represented. But as I walked around a corner a third of the way in, it was clear who ruled - Cezanne. I am of the opinion that he is the greatest painter of the past two hundred years and that includes Picasso and Matisse. Cezanne is other wordly - his talent and genius is clearly above the other giants in this exhibition.
Me at the very location where Alexander Graham Bell made his first phone call:

The World's First Commercial Telephone (a thrilling momment for me!)

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