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Day level permalink December 1, 2003

'Memory glasses' inventor sets sights on forgetfulness
Seattle Times, WA -When Richard DeVaul sits down to his computer, he sometimes forgets to eat for hours at a time. Names slip his mind at parties and, to his embarrassment, he mixes up the faces of people he knows well.
A string on the finger might have been a solution in the past, but the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduate student is testing a more modern lifeline for people who fumble for names, leave the stove on, or forget to call Mom on her birthday.
DeVaul's "memory glasses" are a tiny computer display clipped onto eyeglass frames and wired to a lightweight computer that can flash reminders to the wearer, without, he hopes, distraction or interference with day-to-day activities.

I can see spam becoming more than just an email problem.

Imagine the teeny tiny keyboard.

10:12:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

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