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Day level permalink December 25, 2003

Michael Jackson Web site ignites debate
CNN: Law - Prosecutors took the unusual step of setting up a Web site on the Michael Jackson case to alleviate a media frenzy and, in doing so, triggered a debate.

The site is password protected, and only available to media... Seems like a really good idea to me.

2:18:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Music Industry Says Court Decision Won't Stop Piracy Pursuit
ABC News - Last Friday's US District Court decision calling the Recording Industry Association of America's legal tactics against the law is sure to stoke the fires of the ongoing music wars.
1:51:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

No word from Beagle 2
CBC News - Scientists have been unable to make contact with Europe's first Mars lander and confirm its safe landing on the Red Planet.
11:15:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

US Probes How Cow Contracted Disease
ABC News - Awaiting final proof that the United States has its first case of mad cow disease, state and federal officials worked to prevent a potential outbreak of the deadly disease and calm public fears about the nation's food supply.
11:10:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

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