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Day level permalink November 30, 2003

Shop 'til They Drop?
Christian Science Monitor - Something's socially askew when post-Thanksgiving shoppers in a Florida Wal-Mart rush to buy DVD players (on sale for $29) and knock down a woman, trample her, and leave her unconscious.
6:53:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Roy Disney resigns, urges Eisner to follow suit
CNET - The vice chairman of the Walt Disney Co., Roy E. Disney, resigned from the board of directors Sunday, citing his "serious differences of opinion" with the chairman, Michael D. Eisner, "about the direction and style of management in the company."

Disney, the nephew of Walt Disney, also called for Eisner's resignation. In addition, Disney stepped down from his position as chairman of the feature animation division.

The resignation lays bare a sharp conflict in an entertainment and media company that has called its theme parks "the happiest place on earth."

6:52:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

Iraqi Governing Council Voices Support for June Elections
New York Times - The Iraqi Governing Council, responding to demands from senior Shiite clergy, agreed by a unanimous vote today that full, national elections would be the best way to choose an interim government next June.
6:49:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Boy shot in Rafah by brother
Jpost - Palestinian security officials on Sunday retracted claims that IDF forces were responsible for the killing of Hani Raba'iyah, 9 near Rafah last Wednesday morning and admitted that he had been shot by his brother.
Israeli security officials noted it was the first time that the Palestinians had issued such a statement admitting they were in the wrong.
2:59:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

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