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Day level permalink November 13, 2003

US governor backs Canada's online pharmacies
CTV - Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty gave Canada's booming Internet pharmacies the thumbs up after touring a facility in Winnipeg and he predicts more U.S. politicians will also be swayed.

"I think you're going to see more governors, more mayors, more people come on board," Pawlenty said following his tour of

7:30:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Linux news will shake Microsoft
The Globe and Mail - The earth moved last week. The seismic shock was felt most keenly in Redmond, Wash., where Microsoft Corp. executives bask in world dominance.
Red Hat Inc. announced it was dropping the desktop version of its high-profile Linux operating system to concentrate on corporate customers with its Enterprise Linux line, first released last year. And within days, Novell Inc. announced that it had purchased SuSE Linux AG, Red Hat's most important competitor, based in Nuremberg, Germany.
7:27:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

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