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Day level permalink November 26, 2003

Critical IE Security Warning Released - A Chinese security researcher has warned of five serious vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, warning that a successful exploit could lead to system takeover.

Find November's updates and patches here.

2:32:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

ANTI-SEMITISM WATCH: That disgusting cartoon showing (a naked) Ariel Sharon literally eating a baby has now won the top prize from the British Political Cartoon Society. [ Andrew Sullivan ]
12:16:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

Instaundit: BRIAN CARNELL has reflections on parallels between post-World War II Germany and Iraq, from a German who was a schoolboy during the reconstruction period.

"It took Europe several years after WWII to return to normalcy. Hunger, joblessness and economic chaos were the order of the day for years. An elected German government was not installed until four years after the war; in Japan it took even longer."

11:55:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

New program skirts iTunes protection
Reuters - The digital rights management technology Apple uses to set limits for songs downloaded from its iTunes Music Store has been challenged by a familiar name.

Jon Johansen, the Norwegian teenager best known for bypassing the copyright protection on DVDs, has devised a new program that performs a similar function on iTunes music.

11:32:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

Nuclear watchdog group warns Iran
CNN - The UN nuclear watchdog's governing board Wednesday approved a resolution condemning Iran's secret nuclear program, and sending what the agency's chief calls a "serious and ominous message" to Iran that future breaches "will not be tolerated.
11:19:26 AM  Item-level permalink    

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