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Day level permalink November 21, 2003

Building a better computer mouse
ZDNet - A new user interface for the PC is beginning to stir.

Popularized by Norway's Opera Software, the "mouse gesture" is slowly winning converts among software developers who hope to simplify repetitive tasks in computer applications.

The idea is to allow people to execute commands with a simple flick of the wrist, rather than navigate through complicated point-and-click toolbars and drop-down menus. In Opera's Web browser, for example, a person who wants to return to a previous page can simply hold down a button and slide the mouse to the left, rather than moving the cursor to the top of the screen and hitting the "back" button.

3:39:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

CAIR protests popular "B.C." comic strip as anti Islam...  The comic strip is here.

When CAIR protests these comics, I will think they are serious, until then their voice is hollow. 

(thanks littlegreenfootballs for this and the Dr. Laura link)

1:32:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

OH NO!  I agree with Dr. Laura... 

(I am so embarrassed )

1:09:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

UN: Scandinavia ahead in Internet access, MA - Sweden came in first , Canada is 10th on the list, and the US is 11th.
11:54:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

Officials link green onions to Chi-Chi's hepatitis outbreak; source still unknown
USA Today -  Green onions were the likely source of a hepatitis A outbreak at a Mexican restaurant that has killed three people and sickened at least 575, but the origin of those onions and how they were tainted has yet to be determined...
11:32:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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