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Day level permalink November 24, 2003

Will December make or break the Internet?
The Register - There are always defining moments in anything's lifetime and the Internet is no exception. 

A meeting in Geneva on 10-12 December promises to be one of them - to define what is, what was and what shall become of the global electronic medium known as the Internet.

9:33:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Settles With Tennessee For $64 Million
CRN - Microsoft on Friday settled a class-action lawsuit with the state of Tennessee for $64 million.
7:55:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

Dell to Stop Using Indian Call Center for Corporate Customers
FOX News - AUSTIN, Texas After an onslaught of complaints, computer maker Dell Inc. (DELL) has stopped using a technical support center in India to handle calls from its corporate customers.

7:54:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN- Jurors recommend death penalty for convicted D.C.-area sniper John Allen Muhammad for October 2002 killing of Dean Harold Meyers
9:57:47 AM  Item-level permalink    

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