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Day level permalink November 7, 2003

Analysts React Cautiously to Bush Mideast Policy Speech
Voice of America - President Bush's call for greater democracy in the Middle East is drawing a cautious response from commentators in the region, who say the United States must first show it is honestly moving to resolve regional conflicts.

I can't help but gleen from the reactions of the Arab commentators that the facsist regimes in Syria, Egypt, and Iran are the fault of the jews....

For example:

"The Arabian people are in need really for such invitations and for such pressure from outside to urge the governments in the area to have more democracy.  But when it is coming from America, it must be connected with the situation in the Israeli-Arab conflict. I mean it must be speaking about the two issues connected together." - Tawfiq Abu Baker, head of the Amman-based Jenin Center.

"What has led to the overwhelming and growing hatred of U.S. policy is the United States' 'total bias' toward Israel, that bias has reached such an extent that the United States can no longer be considered an honest broker in the Middle East."  - Head of the 22-member Arab League, Amr Moussa.

Blame the jews.  Get rid of the zionist entity, or at least let us do it, and we will bring democracy to the area.  How can an Arab believe that the US supports democracy, when they keep supporting Israel (a democracy)?   In case my point is still misunderstood, get rid of the only democracy in the middle east, and the arabs will be happy to create a democracy.  Until then....

The Bush's whole speech  here.

12:29:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

SEC to Get Documents from Enron's Lay
Wired News - Former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay agreed on Friday to turn over documents sought by the Securities and Exchange Commission that he had tried to withhold.
10:53:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

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