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Day level permalink November 19, 2003

US Bars Mexican Onions Due to Hepatitis a Outbreak
KFSN, CA -  The United States has halted imports of Mexican green onions suspected of causing an outbreak of hepatitis A that has sickened more than 500 people in Pennsylvania, a Food and Drug Administration official told Reuters on Wednesday.

FDA Deputy Commissioner Lester Crawford said the U.S. Centers for Disease Control on Friday will release an update on the outbreak, including the food source that has caused at least three deaths and where it originated.

9:51:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft tests Web news service
CNET - Microsoft has started testing an international news search service in competition with Google's, upping the ante in the hotly contested Web search market.

Microsoft Web portal MSN has unveiled a test, or beta, service called MSN Newsbot to search news in the languages of four countries--the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain. MSN Newsbot is an experimental, automated news service that gathers news from more than 4,000 sources online, according to the Newsbot Web site.

4:48:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Michael Jackson to be arrested
BBC - Police in California have issued an arrest warrant for Michael Jackson, according to Las Vegas police. A police spokeswoman said California authorities had contacted the Las Vegas...
4:44:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

US court lifts gay marriage ban--Mass
Vive Le Canada, Canada - Gays and lesbians in Massachusetts have won the right to marry after the highest court in that state decided to follow the lead of the Ontario.
4:38:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

James Woolsey, CIA director under President Bill Clinton talking about the Feith memo:

"Anybody who says there is no working relationship between al Qaeda and Iraqi intelligence going back to the early '90s--they can only say that if they're illiterate. This is a slam dunk." 

4:02:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

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