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Day level permalink November 11, 2003

Al-Jazeera Correspondent Sattar Karin admitted that his office in the Mahmoudiya, Babil Province of Iraq has been used to coordinate attacks against coalition forces.  Two Syrian nationals were also involved. Memri News Ticker Al-Sabah, Iraq, 11/09/03

This is the news source that is feeding most of the Arab street.  "When you can't find the news you want, make the news you need."

10:03:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft patches three critical security problems
ComputerWorld - Microsoft Corp. released the second installment of its now monthly security bulletins, patching three software holes in Windows systems that it said were "critical" security risks and a fourth problem with Microsoft Office that the company rated "important."

The Patchs are here.

4:51:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

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