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Day level permalink November 9, 2003

Arafat pulled $300 mil. in Palestinian funds into phantom account ...
Chicago Sun Times, IL -  More than $300 million of Palestinian Authority funds was diverted by Yasser Arafat into a previously undisclosed Swiss bank account and the money can no longer be traced, according to a television report to be broadcast today.
CBS News' "60 Minutes" reports that missing Palestinian funds were held in Switzerland in an account set up in the name of a British Virgin Island company. The account has since been closed.
9:39:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Saudis must 'wake up,' lawmakers say
USA Today -  The car bomb blast in Saudi Arabia's capital that killed at least 17 people and wounded more than 120 should prod the oil-rich kingdom to do more to fight terrorism, US lawmakers said Sunday.
9:36:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

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