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Day level permalink November 12, 2003

Americans' Clashes with Iraqis Grow
Incidents between Iraqi civilians, mostly ex-soldiers, and American occupation troops are mutliplying....

Torn from today's headlines?  Nope, change Iraqi for German, and you have what was happening in Germany in 1945.   Thanks to the CounterRevolutionary and a trip to the library.  Good thing the US stuck around to help rebuild Germany, establish a democracy and then LEAVE. 


3:51:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Student a no-show, but still makes A-list
WashingtonTimes - Fourteen-year-old Lauren Lee recently got some great news in a progress report sent home from Sherwood High School in Montgomery County. The freshman got an "A" in a tough honors-level geometry course.
Not bad, thought Lauren's mother, Lauren Asbury, especially considering that her daughter never attended the school.
11:58:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

BBC appoints man to monitor 'pro-Arab bias'
Telegraph - The BBC has appointed a "Middle East policeman" to oversee its coverage of the region amid mounting allegations of anti-Israeli bias.

An accusation frequently levelled against the corporation is that it reports the Arab-Israeli conflict too much from a Palestinian point of view.  Its reluctance to describe suicide bombers as "terrorists" has proved particularly controversial.

11:52:34 AM  Item-level permalink Women and children fired on in Gaza by the Palestinian Authority.

"Where is the international outrage? I demand a UN investigation! Kofi Annan, call your office! Jenin! Jenin! Jenin!"

10:54:51 AM  Item-level permalink    

Experts say report shows Iran wants atom bomb
Reuters - VIENNA (Reuters) - Arms experts say a UN nuclear watchdog report on Iran supports US claims that Tehran has a secret atomic weapons programme by detailing a two-decade cover-up of research possibly linked to bomb making.

Will anyone (other than the US) declare Iran in non-compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)? 

Nope, I think it is safe to say that Iran will once again avoid being reported to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions despite this tough U.N. report on his country's nuclear program.

9:54:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

Iraq's exports of crude oil rebound
Boston Globe, MA - Iraq's crude oil exports are rebounding and may surpass $1 billion this month as repairs and improved security in the southern section of the country make it possible to boost output from the nation's biggest oilfields.
9:15:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

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