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Day level permalink November 25, 2003

Call it spam rage...
1:48:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

U.S. Army uses video game to lure recruits - Three million people worldwide have joined America's Army -- online.
The popular Internet video game of the same name, which can be downloaded free, has young adults scrambling to join and train like a real U.S. Army soldier and act out combat scenarios in online teams. The game is also an important recruitment tool for the U.S. Army as it attempts to reach an audience that spend much of its time in front of a computer.

I talked about something similer (a beta version?) in May of last year.

Robert Preston in the 1984 movie The Last Starfighter, used the same idea to recruit young people to his 'army'.

12:01:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

McBride intimates code cleanup in Linux nigh impossible
Search Enterprise Linux - The seemingly endless war of words between the SCO Group and the Linux and open source communities took another turn Monday, when CEO Darl McBride lashed out at a report published by Free Software Foundation legal counsel Eben Moglen.

"The question is not whether the code can be cleaned, but at what level? If you go back to the way Linux was in the mid-1990s, that's the only version I see working," McBride said. "We are not trying to kill Linux."

11:37:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

Ex-church lawyer also a sex abuse victim
Washington Times, DC -  The former lawyer for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Galveston-Houston said he has not seen any change in how the church deals with sexual abuse victims.
8:48:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

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