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Day level permalink December 19, 2003

Left-wing, anti-American bias at the CBC
Andrew Sullivan points out how the National Post describes the CBC's coverage of the capture of Saddam:
To summarize, here are the impressions a casual viewer might have taken from Monday night's CBC news: (1) Iraqis still love Saddam, and so his capture has only enraged them; (2) Despite Mr. Bush's "gloating," things will get worse; (3) Saddam's trial will be a propaganda trick engineered to re-elect a Republican president; (4) To the extent Saddam did anything bad, America was the real villain; and (5) Saddam's capture is meaningless anyway because Osama is still on the loose.

6:43:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Spam web tapped Canadians
Toronto Star - Dozens of Canadians were unwitting participants in one of the world's most prolific spam operations, according to lawsuits launched yesterday in the United States. And many may still be involved.
7:14:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

Slipped Discs
ABC News - Video may have killed the radio star, but it's online downloads that are slowly killing the CD. CD sales are down 15 percent from last year, while legal online services like the new Napster and Apple's iTunes have taken off, especially for the holidays.
7:11:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

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