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Day level permalink December 22, 2003

Microsoft Studies Linux - Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has a new tactic in its war against Linux and open source software (OSS). Michael Surkan, a program manager in Microsoft's networking group, is e-mailing two surveys (one for home users, the other for work users) to members of Linux user groups.

Recipients are asked to rate 25 commonly given reasons for using Linux, including "ease of installation," "reliability" and "the satisfaction of not giving Microsoft more money." They are also asked to suggest improvements for both operating systems.

10:35:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

DVD-Jon wins another legal victory
Washington Times - A cyber pirate known as DVD-Jon in Norway scored a legal victory Monday against efforts to prosecute him for cracking the ( DVD ) disks' copy-protection codes.
10:13:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

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