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Day level permalink December 3, 2003

Why Israel Needs the Security Fence: Israel caught two Palestinians intent on carrying out joint suicide-murders: The two also told investigators that they chose to infiltrate Israel from the West Bank, via the northern Jordan Valley, because the separation fence has yet to be constructed in this region. Res ipsa loquitor. [The Volokh Conspiracy]
8:32:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

Put Your Life on the Record, 30 Seconds at a Time. If you yearn to videotape whatever you look at, now you have a new option - provided you are willing to put up with a camera clipped to your eyeglasses or the brim of your baseball cap. By Howard Millman. [New York Times: Technology]
8:26:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Aaron Weisburd has done the blogosphere a great service and taken the suppressed EU anti-semitism report that was leaked to the Jerusalem Post, organized it into 22 pages, and added very helpful navigation. Great work. This is the report the European Union didn’t want the world to see, making explicit the very numerous links between the unassimilated Arab/Muslim immigrant population of Europe and the appalling rise in antisemitic attacks against European Jews. [Little Green Footballs]
8:12:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

Music industry targets even computer-less
Seattle Post Intelligencer -  The recording industry has filed 41 more lawsuits against computer users in at least 11 states it said were caught illegally distributing songs over the Internet, continuing its aggressive campaign against online music piracy.

Among the RIAA's recent targets is retiree Ernest Brenot, 79, of Ridgefield, Wash., who wrote in a handwritten note to a federal judge that he does not own a computer nor can he operate one.

Brenot was accused of illegally offering for download 774 songs by artists including Vanilla Ice, U2, Creed, Linkin Park and Guns N' Roses.

7:32:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

In an interview,  (former President Jimmy) Carter criticized both leaders in the region for not moving forward aggressively to make peace and the Bush administration for what he called its "bias" toward Israel. He speculated that history might have been different if he had been re-elected president in 1980.
"Had I been elected to a second term, with the prestige and authority and influence and reputation I had in the region, we could have moved to a final solution," he said.

Did he really say "final solution"?

7:28:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

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