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Day level permalink December 5, 2003

Hamas accused of Canadian plot
National Post - Israel says Ontario man was trained to kill in North America: Lawyer says client admits group recruited him, but argues confession was under duress.

"The aim of this training was committing a series of terrorist attacks against Israeli and Jewish interests in North America. One of the plans was shooting at an Israeli VIP, a minister that would come to visit North America. He was supposed to tail that minister, get close to him and shoot him.

"Another scenario was booby-trapping cars of Israelis and Jews.... And he also wanted to kill a Jew wherever he meets him, like in the street if he would see an Orthodox Jew, he had orders to kill him on the spot.

"He admitted to all those. He said in the investigation that he was planning to do all those things. So we are not talking about allegations but about facts."

Charles at LGF points out that although "Akkal’s lawyer and family continue to say that Akkal is a good little angel who was forced to confess by the evil Israelis, and never had any intention of getting mixed up with Hamas.... But if you watch the streaming video on this page at CBC News, you’ll see his family home in Gaza—with a Hamas flag painted next to the front door. 

11:28:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

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