Microsoft's Lawyers Own Your Computer Jeremy Bowers: "Will you deed your computer over to Microsoft?" [Scripting News]
Before you install Service Packs from Microsoft, or security updates, read the EULA. I know it's long and difficult to read. But recent Microsoft EULAs give unprecedented control over your computer to Microsoft.
Nobody knows what Microsoft is going to do with this new power, and that's frightening enough. What's scarier is speculation that one potential use would be to install DRM software designed to steal your fair use rights. The earlier Windows Media Player Security Update EULA actually spells this out: "These security related updates may disable your ability to copy and/or play Secure Content and use other software on your computer."
Great choice, huh? Either leave the security holes unplugged, opening your machine to attack from intruders, or accept the EULA, opening your machine to attack by Hollywood.
8:45:25 PM