
Updated: 9/1/2002; 11:48:36 PM

Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog
What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy

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permalink for this date  Monday, August 19, 2002

Money On The Table 

MP3s are good for music biz - Forrester. Pigopolists should monetize P2P networks [The Register]

This one gets a big, giant "duh."  Forrester's research backs my assertion that the Entertainment Oligopoly is leaving a lot of money on the table by shutting down P2P networks instead of competing with them.

From the story: "'The idea that digital music is responsible for [the sales] slump is completely false,' concludes Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff."

7:10:16 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

The Great Firewall Of Hollywood 

Media giants demand ISPs block Web sites. The Great Firewall of Hollywood [The Register]

Excellent coverage from The Register: "Taking a page from the book of totalitarian regimes, the media industry is suing major ISPs, demanding that the foundations of a Chinese-style Great Firewall be laid to protect their precious copyrights."

Has the Entertainment Oligopoly demonstrated they're willing to do absolutely anything to maintain their outdated business model?  I mean, censorship?  Nice.

Even if you love Hollywood and the Big Five record companies, it should bother you that a group of companies that have never, ever innovated are killing dozens of pioneering companies that are responding to free-market pressures by bringing you innovative new products and services.  The Entertainment Oligopoly isn't innovating because they don't know how; all they know how to do is supress new markets and eliminate anything that would impinge upon their gravy train in its current form.

I'm absolutely convinced that they can make more money by serving the new markets made possible by modern information technology.  But they just don't know how.  They only know how to protect their cartel and enforce the status quo.

10:34:32 AM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

Inventing A New Crime 

"To me, it's another example of the insane lengths the entertainment companies are willing to go to preserve their business models. They're willing to destroy your privacy, have general-purpose computers declared illegal, and exercise special vigilante police powers that no one else has...just to make sure that no one watches 'The Little Mermaid' without paying for it. They're trying to invent a new crime: interference with a business model." [Counterpane.com]

Crypto expert Bruce Schneier's CRYPTOGRAM newsletter came out on the 15th.  And, as usual, it's insightful and articulate.  We get to hear Bruce's comments on what's known about Palladium, and also what Bruce thinks about the Entertainment Oligopoly's recently-introduced legislation which would allow them to attack their customers.

Also as usual, Bruce gets it right and puts it beautifully.  The Entertainment Oligopoly is trying to purchase legislation that would create an unprecedented new crime: interference with an outdated, obsolete business model.

9:55:21 AM  permalink for this item 

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Shawn/Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Austin Texas/North Austin and speaks English. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.